
For us to accomplish our goal of getting to Washington we need your help.

Our campaign is designed to appeal across ideological divides to people of good will who want their democracy back. The issue of failing democracy seems to unite almost all people in the country today. Politics as usual simply is not working and the choice is to abandon government or fix it. We propose that fixing it must begin with a reclaiming of the democratic tradition of discussion, not mindless bickering. To that end the campaign is supported by a diverse coalition of individuals and organizations who all agree that we must fix our broken government – and most importantly that sending people from the same two big parties who can’t manage government is no longer an option

Our grassroots campaign begins with and will succeed because of  you!

From helping getting the word out via social media to getting the word out on your campus, from showing up on our behalf at various events all over our great state to sitting down with your friends and family and sharing your thoughts on why we need to change the way Washington works; there an untold amount of ways you can help.

Please join us.

Email us at  volunteer@curtis4senate.org  and let the change begin!